Illini Success Graduate Outcomes Survey Informed Consent
You are invited to participate in the Illini Success Survey. This survey is being conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to learn what our students do after graduating.
If you agree to participate, the survey will take approximately 5 minutes of your time. You will be invited to respond to questions about topics such as your job search, employment status, pursuit of additional education, and participation in experiential education. Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time. You may decline to answer any question. No other known risks are associated with completing this survey. Withdrawal or refusing to participate will not affect your relationship with the University in any way.
Confidentiality and Anonymity of Responses
Your privacy and the confidentiality of your data will be protected. By agreeing to participate in this survey, you authorize the University to connect your survey responses to demographic and academic data (such as gender, college, major). Identified data will be stored on secure servers and will only be accessible to the Illini Success Research Team.
De-identified data will be accessible to representatives from your college and department, who may use this information for program review, accreditation, and communication purposes. Faculty, staff, and others with permission or authority to see your study information will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted and required by laws and university policies. The names or personal identifiers of participants will not be published or presented. All reporting will only be presented in aggregate form.
The data resulting from your participation may be made available to Illini Success collaborators at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the future for research purposes not detailed in this consent form. In these cases, the data will not contain identifying information that could associate it with you, or with your participation in this survey.
For More Information
For general information about the Illini Success Initiative or survey, to view past reports, or to request your unique survey link to update responses, please visit the Illini Success website at: Main Page. Questions may also be directed to theData Coordinator and Analyst, Bharani Srinivasan at .
If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this study, including questions, concerns, complaints, or to offer input, please contact the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) at 217-333-2670 or e-mail OPRS at
Thank You, and Congratulations on Your Graduation!
You may print a copy of this document for your records. Participation in the Illini Success Survey indicates that you have read and agree to the above terms.